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4Analytics changelog

2025-01-28 10:25build 391

2025-01-28Version 2.0.0

newAdded measurement and reporting of live human visitors to the site
newAdded a separate user access level to view reports only
chgRedesigned Header and Footer, more space for main view, focus on important things
chgUpdated list of bots signatures, including OpenAI, multiple Google bots, and others
chgAdded password protection for Delete data upon uninstallation option.
bugAccessibility: notification list icon button should not have an aria-owns attribute when the list is closed
bugEmailed summaries with totally empty views and visits can generate PHP warnings
bugTypo on initial installation wizard text

2025-01-15Version 1.1.2

bugNot compatible with Joomla CSP plugin when script-src unsafe-inline directive is active

2025-01-15Version 1.1.1

newAdded direct access to other weeblr extensions from menu
chgEmailed reports now detect if recipients is a site user, and if so adjust the email and report language to the user language, if not default
chgBackground aggregate data rebuild now does not run more often than 5 minutes
chgSize of data_* columns in aggregation tables changed from 2048 to 4096
bugWhen viewing admin or reports in a language other than the site default, dates where still formated into default language
bugOn ready-to-print pages, charts legend should not mention ability to drill-down dates, only available on live report, in admin

2025-01-09Version 1.1.0

newCan now click on a chart to drill down to a specific date. For instance, viewing monthly chart, click to see chart for a specific week
newAdded buttons to automatically add your current IP address to lists of excluded or included addresses in configuration or tracking rules
chgHide help video toolbar button when on help page
chgShow year on toolbar date selectors if button target is not same year as current period
chgEmailed summaries recipients lists are now blurred when not focused, for privacy
chgLinked all Help buttons to their respective online documentation targets
chgAdded option to keep aggregate and raw data forever. Now defaulting to keeping aggregate data forever, while raw data is still deleted after 6 months
chgOnly show View by other bots block in Content reports if Exclude non-important bots is disabled in Reporting config
chgShow a + sign in comparison indicators when change is positive
chgBreakdown of device types (desktop, mobile, tablet) now based only on human visitors data
chgProtect copy of extension changelog (with base64 encoding) against templates or plugins that search/replace body or head tag, can break extension entirely
bugAdded line-height to emailed summaries links, avoid background colors overlapping when viewing summaries on very narrow devices
bugOn Sources report chart, Other and Direct sources have the same visuals (colors + icon)
bugWhen rebuilding aggregate data manually, progress dialog is not always displayed
bugVisits can be created for search engines, while they should be only counted for human visitors
bugMissing CSS file, open/close menu hamburger icon is not visible

2024-12-20Version 0.12.0

chgAdded versioning of measurement script for when it's used from a 3rd-party, non-Joomla website

2024-12-20Version 0.11.0

chgBounces are now displayed as percentages instead of raw values
bugURLs websites with a www prefix are recorded with a / and the domain at the start

2024-12-19Version 0.10.0

chgRequests from another hosts, using a port in the origin, were not properly handled
chgOnly display 3rd-party website tracking code snippet after a measurement rule has been saved
chgAdded dismissable information to dashboard if send reports by email feature is not used
chgRemoved purge errors system configuration option, 4Analytics does not have any such feature
bugInfinite loop freezing the user interface under undetermined conditions
bugSyntax error in measurement code snippet to copy/paste into non-Joomla websites
bugHome addresses were not checked when injecting measurement code, even if a restriction was set in the measurement rule
bugclass attribute on 3rd-party maesurement code snippet has always rule number 1

2024-12-18Version 0.9.9

newNow sending out key values summaries by email to configured users, including a link to view and print full reports
newAdded initial configuration wizard to enable default measurement configuration with one-click
newAdded Action logs support for tracking rules management and database maintenance
newRebuild aggregate data calculation engine, now works in batch. Now protecting data deletion actions in database maintenance section for a prompt for user password
chgAdded internal flag: is current period
chgIncreased fuzziness of update access key display in system configuration for more privacy
chgChart on summary page now shows both human views and total view charts
chgEnsure no spaces around update access key, in case the key is entered through Joomla update site page
bugEngagement values were incorrectly displayed based on total views instead of views by Humans
bugVisit end time are missing for visits with only one page view; duration and start time were ok
bugRemove test dashboard message upon next installation

2024-11-29Version 0.8.1

chgTesting color change for new version notification in dark mode
bugAvoid low-contrast colors combination when displaying an error message in some circumstances
bugTypo in rel=noopener attribute on some external links