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The name of a rule is not only informational but can be very important when searching for specific rules. Pick a name that best reminds you of what the rule does.

The name you pick has no effect on how the rule work. However, the name is the only field that is searchable in the rules list page. So if you want to find a rule, you will have to search for it by name. This means you should make sure the title is representative of what the rules does, so that you can easily find it later.


Whether a rule comes after or before another rule will often be very important. For instance, if you create a rule that replaces the word

Weeblr, llc with Weeblr llc

but then later decide to replace

Weeblr llc with Weeblr

then they have to be placed in that order so that all instances of Weeblr, llc will be replaced in the end with Weeblr.

This setting lets you select where the current rule should be placed in the list of rules for the current type.

Use drag and drop

You might find easier to re-order rules with a simple drag&drop from the rules list page.


In addition to the other fields above which are used to execute the rule, the Notes field is there for you to store any details or explanation you want to remember about the rule.

This may be for instance

  • what problem you are trying to solve with a redirect rule
  • why you changed a structured data rule option from one value to another
  • who created the rule or made a change