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Pagination options

Pagination URL patterns

URL pagination patterns options

4SEF will append a pagination string to all URLs that need it. These pagination strings follow a pattern that you can configure separately per language.

Each pattern must include the string %s which will be replaced automatically by the page number.

Example of URL using the above pattern (with option to lowercase URLs enabled):

Pagination URL

URL pagination options

Pagination URL spacer

The spacer character that you set here is used when a number of items per page is required. It will be used to separate that number of items per page from the rest of the URL.


A number of item per page is needed when that number is different from the default one existing in your Joomla configuration. This is all manage automatically by 4SEF.

Always append #items per page

When needed, 4SEF will append the number of items per page (as in /page-3-10) but you can force that to always happen to avoid errors with some 3rd-party extensions.