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Predefined additional actions

In addition to accessing quickly and efficiently existing Joomla pages and functions, 4Command also adds a number of predefined actions that can speed up common adminstrative tasks.

You can access them either with a keyboard shortcut or by searching with the command palette. This page displays the list of available actions.

Unless specifically mentioned, all actions operate the same on all supported Joomla versions.

Create things

  • Create new article
  • Create new category
  • Create new custom field
  • Create new custom field group
  • Create new user
  • Create new Site Module
  • Create new Admin Module

Running any of these actions will directly take you to a new item editing page.

Administrative tasks

  • Cache: delete all
  • Check-in all content: performs a check-in on all checked-out banners, categories, contacts, articles, custom fields, custom fields groups, Smart search filters, menu items, modules, newsfeds, tags, user notes, weblinks, guided tours steps, guided tours, scheduler tasks and workflows (some items may only exist on more recent Joomla versions)
  • Editor: use TinyMCE: sets the current user editor to TinyMCE
  • Editor: use CodeMirror: sets the current user editor to CodeMirror
  • Editor: use None: sets the current user editor to None
  • Editor: use JCE: if present on the website, sets the current user editor to JCE
  • Empty Trash: permanently deletes trashed articles, contacts and content categories
  • Show trashed items: when on a list page (article manager, contact manager,...), switches to showing only trashed items
  • Empty trash: articles: permanently deletes trashed articles
  • Empty trash: categories: permanently deletes trashed content categories
  • Empty trash: contacts: permanently deletes trashed contacts
  • Resend activation email: when on the users manager page, resends the Account activation email to all selected users (unless they are already activated). It does so sequentially, in batch of 5 users at a time
  • Debug: enable system debug: enables the Debug system in Joomla global configuration
  • Debug: disable system debug: disables the Debug system in Joomla global configuration
  • Error reporting: system default: sets Error reporting to System default in Joomla global configuration
  • Error reporting: maximum: sets Error reporting to Maximum in Joomla global configuration
  • Error reporting: none: sets Error reporting to None in Joomla global configuration
  • Gzip: enable: enables Gzip in Joomla global configuration
  • Gzip: disable: disables Gzip in Joomla global configuration
  • Cache: disable: disable caching
  • Cache: set to Conservative: set caching to Conservative mode
  • Cache: set to Progressive: set caching to Progressive mode
  • Cache: disable: disable caching
  • Publish: Cache system plugin
  • Unpublish: Cache system debug
  • Publish: Language filter system plugin
  • Unpublish: Language filter system debug
  • Offline: set site offline: enables the Site Offline option in Joomla global configuration
  • Offline: set site online: disables the Site Offline option in Joomla global configuration
  • Show Lorem Ipsum generator: opens up a sample text generator. Generates random text or HTML, of configurable length and content


  • Calculator: starting your input with the = symbol switches 4Command to Calculator mode, where you can type in simple arithmetic operations